Saturday 29 November 2014

Salamanders In The Basement, New Jersey

Lead back phase, Red Back Salamander
November 28th 2014

Species Found:
  1. Red Back Salamander (Plethodon cinereus)
I was at my cousins' house in New Jersey for Thanksgiving Break when my uncle told me that he had seen some salamanders in a crevice in the basement.

The Trip:
I went into the basement one night with a flashlight and looked in the small gap between the wall and the floor. There were bits of sponge and plastic mixed in with the concrete pebbles in the crevice. Under a piece of sponge there was a black salamander with a long tail. I carefully pulled it out with a piece of paper and showed to to my cousins.
Lead back phase, Red Back Salamander
Lead back phase, Red Back Salamander
Lead back phase, Red Back Salamander
I didn't know the exact species but I suspected that it was a lead-backed Red Back Salamander, a really thin Northern Dusky Salamander, or a really dark Northern Slimy Salamander. I put it on a paper towel to get more photos and then released it back into the crevice.
Lead back phase, Red Back Salamander 
Lead back phase, Red Back Salamander
Lead back phase, Red Back Salamander
The next morning I went to check on the salamanders and I found the same individual I had seen the day before. I also found a tiny neonate (baby) salamander, about the size of a grain of rice and it had a red stripe running down its back. This confirmed my suspicions that it they were indeed Red Back Salamanders. I had seen this species in Illinois the month before. I tried to get the neonate out of the crack with a piece of paper but it slipped under some gravel and disappeared. The sun was shining outside so I decided to take the adult Lead Back outside and get a few more photos.
Lead back phase, Red Back Salamander
Lead back phase, Red Back Salamander
Lead back phase, Red Back Salamander
Lead back phase, Red Back Salamander
I didn't get a new species to add to my list but I did get to see an unexpected herp, which was really cool. Also, there was snow outside and winter was in full swing so finding anything at all was a surprise.